
Tattoos IloveIndia
Here, we are giving a number of interesting facts about Great Pied Hornbill of India. Explore Great Indian Hornbill fast facts.

Great Indian Hornbill Facts

The Great Indian Hornbill is a huge bird, belonging to the Bucerotidae Family. It is known by a number of other names also, like Great pied hornbill, Large pied hornbill, Concave-casqued hornbill, etc. The bird is almost black in color and has a unique horny growth, known as the casque. It is found in the Asian continent, covering the areas of India, Thailand and south to Sumatra. Given below are more interesting facts about Great Pied Hornbill of India. Check out Great Indian Hornbill fast facts:

Kingdom : Animalia
Scientific Name : Buceros bicornis
Common Names : Great hornbill, Great Indian hornbill, Great pied hornbill, Large pied hornbill, Concave-casqued hornbill
Class : Aves
Order : Coraciiformes
Family : Bucerotidae
Genus Species : Buceros (big horn) bicornis (two horns)
Height : 100 cm to 120 cm (40 inches to 48 inches)
Average Wingspan : 150 cm (5 ft.)
Average Weight : 6.5 lbs
Average Length of Tail Feathers : 36 inches
Diet : Mainly fruits
Incubation : 25 days to 40 days
Clutch Size : 1-2 eggs
Lifespan : 35 years to 50 years
Natural Habitat : Evergreen and moist, deciduous forests
Status : Listed in Appendix I of CITES and also listed as 'Lower Risk/Near Threatened' by USFWS