stork is one of the 17 different species of storks found throughout the
world. The only continent where storks are not found is that of
Antarctica. The natural habitat of the storks comprises of Indian
fields, savannas and marshes. One of the large wading birds, they are
characterized by black, gray or white feathers and long, tough bills.
The diet of the storks of India primarily includes fish, insects and
dead animals. In the following lines, we have provided information on
the different species of the storks of India:
Painted Stork
Painted stork is a tropical species, belonging to the stork family of
Ciconiidae. The bird is found in the Asian continent, covering the area
from India and Sri Lanka to Southeast Asia. Broad-winged soaring birds,
the Painted storks of India fly with their neck outstretched. They are
resident birds and are found in Indian lowland wetlands, with trees.
Black Necked Stork
Black-necked stork is a large bird, known scientifically as
Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus. It belongs to the Ciconiidae family and
counts amongst the huge wading birds of the Indian subcontinent.
Black-necked stork is a resident bird of southern Asia and Australasia.
The area inhabited by Black-necked storks stretches on from India east
to New Guinea and the northern half of Australia. Just like numerous
other storks, they also fly with their neck outstretched.