There are numerous legends associated with
Radha- Krishna, depicting their love.
Legends of Radha Krishna

The legends of Radha-Krishna have become immortal. There are numerous
legends and stories of Radha and Krishna depicting their true love.
Radha's devotion and dedication towards Sri Krishna is the most sincere
one. Here are some legends of Radha-Krishna portraying their love for
each other.
Legend of Hot Milk
This is one interesting story showing the eternal relation of Radha and
Krishna. Radha was not married to Lord Krishna. The immeasurable love of
Krishna for Radha made Krishna's wives jealous of Radha. Once, they all
planned a mischief to make Radha suffer. They set out a bowl of burning
hot milk. They gave the bowl to Radha, saying that Krishna had sent it
for her. Radha readily drank the hot milk.
When the wives returned to Krishna, they found him full of painful ulcers.
This shows that Krishna resides in every pore of Radha i.e. why the hot
milk didn't touch Radha, but it affected Krishna. He took all her pain
and miseries upon himself.
Legend of Charanaamrit
This is another sweet story depicting the intense love between Radha
and Krishna. Once, Sri Krishna got very ill. Krishna asked that he would
be alright if, he would get the Charanaamrit of a true devotee. All the
Gopis were asked but none of them offered. They were afraid of
committing a serious offense, by offering the water with which they had
washed their feet to Sri Krishna.
When Radha came to know about the situation, she said: "Take as
much as you like. What does it matter if I have to go to hell as long as
my Lord is released of His pain and ailment"! Radha offered the
Charanaamrit with true heart. It is due to this fact; it is believed
that Radha could not marry Lord Krishna. Radha loved Krishna from the
core of her heart but still she offered Charanaamrit to Krishna to save
him from his sickness.
Radha and Krishna were celestial beings and their love was eternal.
Whether they were married or not, their love made them united for ever.