
Binomial Name(s): Cinchona Officinalis
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Gentianales
Family: Rubiaceae
Genus: Cinchona
Species: C. officinalis
Popular Name(s): Peruvian Bark, Quinine Bark.
Parts Used: Quinine Isolated From Bark.
Habitat: Cultivated in Nilgiri Hills

Quinine is a genus of tropical evergreen trees and shrubs, with rather large laurel-like, entire, opposite leaves, and white or pink fragrant flowers arranged in clusters. Though its common name is quinine, not all species of Cinchona can be used to produce quinine; in fact, many contain virtually no quinine at all. This herb is native to Amazon Rainforest vegetation and is renowned for its innumerous health and therapeutic benefits. It is particularly found in the eastern slopes of the Amazon area of the Andes. Apart from this, quinine is also found in the northern zone of the Andes, towards the eastern slopes of the central and western ranges. Because of its usefulness in the curing diseases and ailments, the herb is now cultivated in many tropical areas, for commercial purpose.

Plant Chemicals:
Aricine, caffeic acid, cinchofulvic acid, cincholic acid, cinchonain, cinchonidine, cinchonine, cinchophyllamine, cinchotannic acid, cinchotine, conquinamine, cuscamidine, cuscamine, cusconidine, cusconine, epicatechin, javanine, paricine, proanthocyanidins, quinacimine, quinamine, quinic acid, quinicine, quinine, quininidine, quinovic acid, quinovin, and sucirubine

Uses & Benefits of Quinine