Learn about handling teething babies, teething blues in a baby and first tooth of a child.

Handling Teething Babies

There is no fixed time when the teething will begin babies or even one way to how those pure white milk teeth will appear. Some children may start teething as early as three months and the process may continue up to the age of three years but it is usually before four to seven months that the first tooth of the baby makes its appearance. The process differs too and it can be very hurtful for some babies and easy, worry and pain free for others. In some kids, you won't even known how that tooth came into being suddenly while in others, we can see symptoms weeks before the actual emergence of the tooth in the form of sore and swollen gums. Sometimes the swelling recedes but there is no tooth at all. Here, we are mentioning some of the teething blues that mostly indicate that your tiny tot is getting ready for his first bite:
Babies With Sore Gums
The most common problem while teething that causes irritation and pain in babies is swelling of gums and itchiness in them, as teeth push the gums from beneath, causing them to bulge. Sometimes, the pain in jaws becomes so severe that it gets shifted to ear canal too. Babies cry and wail and are inconsolable and the helpless parents are at a loss about what to do to soothe their little darlings.

Cavity Control in Toddlers
In modern society, especially in America, tooth decay incidents have left even common cold and influenza behind as most infectious disease in children. Most kindergarten students suffer from contagious condition of baby teeth and most common reason behind is lack of information or negligent parenting style.

Sippy Cups & Cavities
Just like bottles and pacifiers, sippy cups can damage kids' teeth too. Constant toting by toddlers can make them cause tooth decay. Yet, sippy cups can prove to be quite helpful as a transition tool to bottle from cup for young children and also lessen the amount of mess that children create while drinking from bottles as they come with removable valves that regulate the rate of flow of liquid.