Read the biography and life history of Osho,
also known as Osho Rajneesh/ Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.
Osho Rajneesh

About Osho Rajneesh
Osho was one of the most renowned as well as most controversial
spiritual leaders of his times. During the 1970s and 1980s, he was known
as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Later, he changed his name to 'Osho'. He was
the founder of Osho movement, a controversial spiritual and
philosophical movement.
Early Life
Osho, also known as the Zen Master, was born as Rajneesh Chandra Mohan
Jain on 11th December 1931, in Narsinghpur District of Madhya Pradesh.
Even though he was born to parents of Jain religion, he never adhered to
any particular religious faith in his lifetime. Throughout hid
childhood, Osho came across as a highly intellectual, but rebellious
student. One of the major influences in his life were his grandfather
and grandmother, with whom he spent the first seven years of his life.
Receiving Enlightenment
As per Osho, he received enlightenment in the year 1953, at the age of
21. Thereafter, he finished his graduation and post graduation in
Philosophy from D. N. Jain College, Saugar University. For a few years,
he taught philosophy, first at Raipur Sanskrit College, and then, at
Jabalpur University. During that time, he traveled throughout the
country, giving lectures on socialism and Gandhi. The first meditation
camp was organized by Osho in 1964. In 1966, he quit his job as a
professor and then onwards, started his journey as one of the greatest
spiritual leaders of India.
Establishment of Osho Foundation
The followers and disciples of Osho established a foundation in his
name, in the year 1969. The headquarters of the foundation was set up on
the ground floor of a building in Mumbai. Later, due to space
constraints and the bad weather of Mumbai, the headquarters were shifted
to the Koregaon Park, Pune. The ashram is today known as Osho
International Meditation Resort.
Period of Public Silence
After giving discourses on a daily basis for a period of almost 15
years, Osho went into a three-and-a-half-year period of public silence
in the year 1981. During that period, his discourses were replaced by
satsangs (silent sitting, with some readings from his works and music).
The public silence came to an end in 1984 and he resumed his daily
discourses once again.
The Last World Tour
In 1985-86, Osho went on a world tour to spread the understanding of
spirituality. After being refused by a number of countries, he came back
to India in 1986. From 1987, he again started giving discourses at his
ashram in Pune. Osho forfeited the name of 'Bhagwan Rajneesh' in the
year 1989 and took the name of Osho. Osho breathed his last in 1990, at
the age of 58.
Zen Master Osho
Osho is also known as the Zen (concentration) Master as he managed to
attain a very high level of meditative trance.
Osho Philosophy
As per Osho, there is nothing more valuable or precious in this world
than love, meditation and laughter. Enlightenment the normal state in
which a human being lives. It is because of being bounded in the
emotional ties that he fails to recognize this state. Meditation is not
something that needs to be taught, it is the state of just being.
Osho Dham
Osho Dham at Pune is known as Osho International Meditation Resort.
People from various parts of the country as well as the world come to
this ashram or dham to learn meditation or even just relax and