Here is a milestone chart for young children, milestones for child up to thirty months old and development chart for kids less than 30 months old.

Milestone Chart for Young Children (Two to Two and a Half Years Old)

This milestone chart is for kids who are twenty-five months to thirty months old. It enumerates skills that children normally do, are still learning and the ones that they might do though they are still advanced for their age, month by month, from twenty five months of age to the age of thirty months or two and a half years:

Age of the Child Common Skills Skills Still Learning Rare Skills
25 and 26 months old or just two years old Dresses down on his own
Know the names of many body parts and can say them
Builds tower of three or four blocks
Washes and dries hands by himself
Brushes teeth with help
Dresses up on his own
Speech is understandable most of the time
Throws a ball overhand
Speech is understandable all the time
Draws vertical line
27 and 28 months old Speech is understandable most of the time
Dresses up on his own
Jumps up and down
Builds tower of several blocks
Speech is understandable all the time
Draws vertical line
Can balance himself on one foot
29 to 30 months old or two and a half years old Washes and dries hands by himself
Brushes teeth with help
Draws a vertical line
Speech is understandable all the time
Can balance himself on one foot
Can put on T-shirt
Can recognize and say names of colors
Known the names of his friends