Western astrology comprises of one of the modern astrological traditions. Know more about astrology of the west.

Western Astrology

Western astrology, as the name suggests, is the astrological tradition widely prevalent in the western countries. The origin of the Western astrological tradition can be traced back to Mesopotamia, from where it gradually spread to the other parts of the world. The first place to be influenced by the tradition was Egypt, where many further developments took place. This was followed by its entry into the Greek or Hellenistic culture. The person who can be credited with the introduction of western astrological traditions is Ptolemy.

A Greek astronomer and astrologer, Ptolemy laid the foundations of the Western tradition in his work, Tetrabiblos. The astrology of the west is mainly based on the construction of a horoscope for a particular point of time, like the time of birth of a person. It is believed that for different timings, the position of the cosmic bodies is also different, leading to dissimilar influences. In the modern western sun sign astrology, the location of the Sun is the most important consideration. The astrological knowledge suffered a major setback in Europe, during the Dark Ages.

However, it was the Arab and Persian scholars who revived as well as expanded the knowledge and then re-imported the same to Europe in the Middle Ages. Slowly and gradually, astrology again gained back its position in Europe. Infact, in medieval Europe, astrologers were always consulted before taking any important political and military decisions. Today, astrology is recognized as a form of pseudoscience and is used primarily while making personal decisions or attaining information about an individual.

Western Astrology Signs
The western astrology, like any other modern astrological tradition, is composed of twelve zodiac signs. These twelve zodiacal signs are supposed to be representatives of twelve basic personality types. In other words, they can be said to reflect the characteristic modes of expression. The twelve signs or symbols are subdivided into four basic elements, namely Fire, Earth, Air and Water. More.