Origami future teller is a functional origami craft. Read here to explore instructions on how to make an interesting origami future teller.

Origami Future Teller

Origami future teller is an interesting craft that is often used by kids to play future prediction games. It is a very simple craft, made using colorful paper and pen. Prepared almost instantly, the craft can prove to be an interesting game during journeys and even friends' get-together. An origami future teller is more or less like a zig-zag puzzle, operated by fingers. It has either a color chart or a number chart, which lead to the hidden answers of the future teller. This game often becomes hilarious and joyful, with funky and unexpected answers. So do not wait, just read the instructions below and make your origami future teller...

How To Make Origami Future Teller

Materials Required
  • Construction paper (Colorful)
  • Scissors
  • Pen or pencil
  • First of all, make square pieces of the paper. In order to get a perfect square, fold one corner of a piece of paper over to the adjacent side and cut off the extra paper peeping out of the square (which is already folded into a triangle).
  • Now open the square which is till now in the shape of a folded triangle.
  • Fold a corner of the square into the central point. Repeat the same with the opposite corner as well as the other two corners and you will end up getting a square.
  • Now, simply turn the paper over.
  • On this turned side, again fold a corner over to the center and repeat the same with the opposite corner. In the same way as you have done earlier, fold the other two remaining corners and you will get a small square.
  • Now, fold this square into half, then unfold and again fold from other side.
  • Unfold the square now and pull the four ends of the square together, giving it a diamond shape.
  • Now, flip your fingers into the four pockets of the square and move the four parts around.
  • On the four pockets of the square, write the name of four different colors. Then, flip it over and write 8 different numbers on the triangular flaps.
  • Inside each number, write an interesting prediction like 'you will get rich today' or 'your best friend is going to surprise you'.
  • You have now become a fortune teller with this interesting craft. Ask a person choose one of the four colors and then spell that color out, while opening and closing the fortune teller in and out.
  • Then let the person choose one of the numbers which is visible in the open flap. Now close and open the fortune teller in and out the right number of times.
  • When you will finish, the person in front of you will have four numbers to choose from the open flap. Ask him to choose the number, open that flap and tell him his future.